This is a day that I thought would never happen. Selling my beloved EF 400mm f2.8 L IS.
It’s a lens that I bought S/H just before the mk2 was announced and it cost me a lot of money.
It’s big, white and one of the heaviest lenses that Canon have ever produced. It’s also one of the sharpest too. I can put a 1.4x Teleconverter on it and see no image degradation at all.
When I bought it, way back in June 2012, I needed it for and Irish Sea Birds workshop with Guy Edwardes and various other pursuits. I figured that this would be my one and only lens of this type and it’s certainly been with me a long time. When I look through my photos in Light room and list photos per lens, this lens is my 3rd most used lens. In terms of keepers, Portfolio images and number of images, this lens is clearly my most used lens. Over 20K images in total, compared to 22K for my 24-70 f2.8 L and 21K for my 16-35mm f2.8 L II.
It’s a sad day to say good by to this mighty and capable lens, however…a newer S/H EF 400mm f2.8 L IS II is coming inbound!